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Image Medicine
One year training course 2012-2013
An intensive course of study Image Medicine, 17.12.12 - 11.01.13
Intensive advanced training course for Image therapist, 22.05 – 4.06.2013
Intensive course "Strategy of development ZYQ instructor", 2-15.05 2013
ZYQ seminar of Level II in Institute "Kundawell", 14-16.12 2012
ZYQ seminar of Level III in Institute "Kundawell", 28-30.04 2013
ZYQ seminar of Level IV in Institute "Kundawell", 17-19.05 2013
Your location: Education

Institute "Kundawell"
Intensive сourse
"Strategy of Development ZYQ instructor"

The course is intended for:

ZYQ instructors of 1, 2, 3 levels
those who wishes to be an ZYQ instructor  

Within the scope of the course you will:

Improve your skills in teaching ZYQ.
Get new knowledge in the field of Qigong.
After passing the exam, you can increase your level of skill and get the certificate of the next level. (On conditions that you have  sufficient number of seminars and the number of trained students).
Get the unique experience of studying with Master Mingtang Xu  and the team of experts at the Institute "Kundawell".

The period of training: 2 - 15 May 2013.
Duration: 14 days.
Receipt of applications: Applications will be accepted until April 15, 2013 to the address:
Please note: set the group is limited.

The preliminary program of study:

First day (May 2)
Introductory lecture. The Art of teaching (Xu Mingtang).
Meditation, improvement of  ability to diagnose, activation of the palms (Kuznetsova Flyura).
Day 2 (May 3)
Proper execution of 1-st level exercises. Frequently occurring mistakes (Smirnova O.M.).
Psychology of communication and teaching ZYQ (Tertychnyi Eugene).
Day 3 (May 4)
Qualities of a good teacher. Level of teachers (Mingtang Xu).
Meditation, improvement of abilities to diagnose, activation of the palms (Kuznetsova Flyura).
4 Day (May 5)
Excursion to the Botanical Gardens and the Buddhist Temple of the Sleeping Buddha.
Meditation in the Temple of the Sleeping Buddha.
5 day (May 6)
Special technology of teaching ZYQ. Methodology of help to audience and demonstration of energy (Xu Mingtang).
Psychology of communication and teaching ZYQ (Tertychnyi Eugene).
Day 6 (May 7)
Proper execution of 2-nd level exercises. Frequently occurring mistakes (Smirnova O.M).
Meditation, improvement of the ability for communication, the opening of second heart (Kuznetsova Flyura).
Day 7 (May 8)
Special technology of teaching ZYQ. The questions of protection and security (Xu Mingtang).
Psychology of communication and teaching ZYQ (Tertychnyi Eugene).
Day 8 (May 9)
Proper execution of exercises on 2-nd level. Frequently occurring mistakes (Smirnova O.M.).
Meditation, improvement of the ability for communication, the opening of second heart (Kuznetsova Flyura).
Day 9 (May 10)
Special technology of teaching ZYQ. How to answer questions. Principles ZYQ (Xu Mingtang).
Psychology of communication and teaching ZYQ (Tertychnyi Eugene).
Day 10 (May 11)
Proper execution of 3-d level exercises. Frequently occurring mistakes (Smirnova O.M.).
Meditation, improvement of the ability for communication, the opening of the second heart (Kuznetsova Flyura).
Day 11 (May 12)
Excursion to White Cloud Taoist Temple, meditation in the temple. Pearl Market (souvenirs).
Day 12 (May 13)
ZYQ principles (Xu Mingtang).
Psychology of communication and teaching ZYQ (Tertychnyi Eugene).
Day 13 (May 14)
Examinations - practice (Xu Mingtang, Smirnova O.M.).
Psychology of communication and teaching ZYQ (Tertychnyi Eugene).
Day 14 (May 15)
Examinations (theory).
Presentation of diplomas.

The training curse consists of 4 main sections:

1. The main theoretical section «Technology of teaching ZYQ» , 6 sessions of 3 hours.
1. The main theoretical section "Technology of teaching ZYQ", 6 sessions of 3 hours.
Under this section, Master Xu Mingtang share with you the invaluable experience of teaching ZYQ, will give the necessary advice that will enable you to become a highly qualified specialist in the field. Teach special methods of ZYQ teaching, will talk about the safety, ZYQ principles.

2. Section «Practical training in ZYQ» , 4 lessons of 3 hours.
Smirnova  Olga Markovna  - Instructor ZYQ (from 1999), with the right to conduct retreats, Pprofessor and Image therapist of the Institute "Kundawell", will teach you to correct mistakes of your students,  to perform correctly all the exercises and explain the main points and little secrets that are worth paying attention to during exercises.

3. Section «The psychology and teaching ZYQ» , 6 sessions of 1.5 hours.
Tertychnyi Eugene - ZYQ instructor with years of experience, Psy.D. will talk about how to organize a class, how to communicate with students and motivate them.

4. Section «Meditation» , 5 sessions of 1.5 hours.
Under this section, a Professor and Image therapist of the Institute "Kundawell" Kuznetsova Flyura will hold meditations to improve communication skills, discover abilities for diagnosis and treatment, open the creative abilities.

Preliminary schedule of classes and exams:

Cost of training: 10000 RMB (about 1,585 USD). Payment is accepted in cash in U.S. dollars, euro and RMB at the current rate on the day of arrival. You can pay by credit card or by bank transfer to the Institute.

The price includes use of the internet (wi-fi), 2 excursions (guided tours as per itinerary, all entrance fees during excursions).
Accommodation and meals are not included in the price of the course.
Help with bookings at the hotel "Holiday Time" (2-bed room 200 RMB). Please note: Prices for accommodation can vary.
You can have a meal in the Institute "Kundawell" for an additional fee (80 RMB to 3 times a day).  You have to pay for all period in advance.

Registration and additional information at: education@kundawell.com
or by phone in Beijing: (0086)13520751040 Аnnа

Order application form by e-mail: education@kundawell.com

Graduating student

Certificate of the Institute "Kundawell" on passage of a 2-week advanced course of ZYQ instrucrors.

During the training course, the students have 20% discount on treatments at all the experts of the Institute (except for the diagnosis and treatment of Professor Xu Mingtang).



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