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Image Medicine
Celebration of the 20th anniversary of Image Medicine in Russia and the First International Conference
on Image Medicine

19-20 November 2011
the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russia)

19-20 November 2011, at the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Moscow, held the celebration of the 20th anniversary of  Image Medicine in Russia and the First International Conference of Image Medicine, in organization of which participated: Beijing and the American Medical Research Institute "Kundawell", Beijing (China) and Seattle (USA), Center of national assistance "BLAGOVEST", Moscow (Russia), "Institute of Development Image therapy and Health technologies", Moscow (Russia), the International Charitable Foundation "Mingtang".

The celebration was attended by over 1,000 people, among whom were medical professionals, scientists, psychologists, biologists, specialists of Image Medicine, known doctors from Russia, China, Great Britain, Hungary, Slovakia, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan and other countries. Delegation of Beijing Medical Research Institute "Kundawell" included fourteen people.



At a conference with a welcoming speech and congratulations were: Irina Belevitskaya - President of "Institute of Development Image therapy and Health technologies", Director of Beijing and the American Medicine Research Institute "Kundawell", the founder of Image Medicine - Professor Xu Mingtang, Vice-President of the International Charitable Foundation "Center of national assistance "BLAGOVEST "- Kazaryan Yuriy E., Executive Director of the International Foundation "Mingtang" Eugene Tertychnyi.

Honorable guests came to conference to congratulate with the anniversary: Director of the Ukrainian School of Lawmaking under the Institute of legislation of Verkhovna Rada - Doctor of Law, Elena Bogacheva, the famous Russian actor and film director - Philip Jankowski, the famous Russian singer, poet and composer - Irina Bogushevskaya, Ph.D. , author of books and training CDs on the system "Zhong Yuan Qigong”, Ukraine - Tamara Martynova.

On behalf of the partners at the conference presented papers: The Secretary General of the "World Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine» (WFCMS), China - Professor Li Zheng Zhi, Deputy Secretary General - Huang Jiangyin, Director of International Cooperation Department "China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine", China - Professor Sung Yong Zhang, President of the Russian Association of professional medical specialists of traditional and folk medicine, Russia - Vladimir Yegorov, Head of the spiritual and educational center "Basargino", Russia - Sergei Skoblikov.


The Secretary General Li Zheng Zhi in his report said, that the Image Medicine - is the most recent universal system of diagnosis and treatment, which was created by Professor Xu Mingtang, based on the experience of TCM and Western medicine, theory and methods of modern medical technology. Methods of Image Medicine trusted and warmly welcomed all over the world. The last twenty years, IM rapidly developed in all countries, thereby making an invaluable contribution to health care in the world.

In conclusion Li Zheng Zhi said: "From the very beginning of the history of internationalization of TCM were used the best opportunities for its development, but often, due to different cultural

traditions, language and theoretical systems in conjunction with the specific and the most versatility of TCM, scientific approach to TCM was not fully accepted by the modern public. Modernization and internationalization of TCM ought to pass a long way.

Therefore we sincerely hope that all the experts and scholars presenting at the conference, will consider as his highest duty the development of medical science and the maintenance of the nation's health".

Director of International Cooperation Department "China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine" - Professor Sung Yong Zhang spoke on: "The importance of Image Medicine Bien Chue development”, in which he told about the origins and history of Image Medicine, and medical skills Bien Chue, about specifics of Image Medicine and TCM.

Professor Sung Yun Zhang said: "The specifics of Image Medicine is not only in its image and theory, but also in the fact that it considers life as a unity of information, energy and substance, and that diseases may also exist at these three levels, or at one of them.

Image Medicine has its own unique methods of diagnosis and changing image. Image can be changed by informational, energy and substance methods. By changing the image can be cured the information, energy and physical illnesses, improved the relationship between these three levels".
He also emphasized: "Now appeared Image Medicine, and science should research it in a new way, and culture should look at it in a new way. We have to open Image Medicine to the world, to

develop Oriental medicine and demonstrate the charm and brilliance of her wisdom for the benefit of the health of all humanity".

Professor Li Demin, presenting Beijing Medical Research Institute "Kundawell", told the conference participants about the results of development of Image Medicine in China, spoke about the successes, achieved since the foundation of the Institute "Kundawell", introduced the new methods used in the Institute, presented the new developments of "Kundawell " - food supplements "Live Fire "and" Sea King", shared plans and prospects of development of the Institute.

The experts from different countries took part at the conference. On the results of conference released a collection.

The authors of the reports told not only about successful clinical use of Image Medicine in the treatment of different diseases, but also on the results of research of Image Medicine from the point of view of modern medicine, immunology, bio-medicine, quantum physics, medical psychology. Interesting and informative presentations of delegates were warmly welcomed by colleagues and were accompanied by applause.


Image Medicine specialists Yang Guang and Zhang Jiang Rui held a master class, demonstrating diagnostic methods of Image Medicine, shared their experiences of Image Medicine application.


Director of Beijing and the American Medical Research Institute "Kundawell", the founder of Image Medicine - Professor Xu Mingtang, Mr. Huan Jiangyin thanked the organizers of the conference and presented gifts to Belevitskaya Irina, Tamara Martynova and Sergei Skoblikov.



Deputy Secretary General of the "World Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine» (WFCMS) - Mr. Huan Jiangyin concluded by saying: "The conference was attended by many people who have read a lot of reports with a high academic level and rich content, the conference contributed to the understanding of Image Medicine by many people, contributed to the international development of Chinese medicine".

In frame of conference took place official visits of the leaders of the event: The founder of Image Medicine - Professor Xu Mingtang, the Secretary General of the “World Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine" - Professor Li Zheng Ji, Deputy Secretary - Mr. Huan Jiangyin, Director of International Cooperation Department "China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine" - Professor Sung Yong Zhang.
Protocol meetings held: November 19, 2011 with the Deputy Minister of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation - Skvortsova Veronica, November 21, 2011 with the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Social Policy Shvetsova Lyudmila.


It was discussed the questions of development and the ways of long-term international cooperation on TCM and IM. During the meeting, Professor Xu Mingtang, Professor Li Zheng Ji, Mr. Huan Jiangyin, Professor Sung Yong Zhang met with reporters and gave interviews to the media.

A delegation of the Institute "Kundawell" with the guests of honor of the conference paid a friendly visits to the Moscow Centers of Image therapy, opened by students of Institute "Kundawell”, by followers and disciples of Xu Mingtang.


After the closure of the conference was a gala dinner. Friends and colleagues from different countries came together to celebrate the success of the Conference and wish the institute "Kundawell” further success.

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